Kontron COMe-bDV7

Modul COM Express® COMe-bDV7 založený na procesoru Intel® Atom® řady C3000 rozšiřuje rodinu produktů Kontron pro serverové platformy COM. COMe-bDV7 jako základní platforma je doplňkovým produktem k vysoce výkonné třídě COMe-bBD7 vybavené procesorem Intel® Xeon® řady D-1500. Modul COMe-bDV7 je vybaven škálovatelným výkonem procesoru až s 16 jádry

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Kontron COMe-bDV7

  • Entry level server-grade platform
  • Intel® Atom® processor C3000 series
  • Up to 128GB DDR4 memory
  • Quad 10 GbE interfaces
  • Up to 2x SATA3, 6Gb/s, Up to 3x USB3.0 / 4x USB2.0 (3x USB2.0 with WIBU security chip)
  • Up to 14x PCIe 3.0 lanes – depending on C3000 SKU
  • 2x serial interface (RX/TX only)
  • SPI, LPC, SMB, Fast I²C, Staged Watchdog, RTC
  • K dispozici i verze v rozšířených teplotách
  • Support of Kontron’s Embedded Security Solution (Approtect)

kompletní specifikace v datasheetu nebo na stránkách výrobce

Stručný popis

The COM Express® module COMe-bDV7 based on the Intel® Atom® processor C3000 series extends Kontron’s product family of server-grade COM platforms. The COMe-bDV7 as an entry level platform is as a complementary product to the high performance class COMe-bBD7 equipped with the Intel® Xeon® processor D-1500 series. The COMe-bDV7 module features scalable CPU performance with up to 16 cores. This robust performance is combined with support for up to four 10GbE-KR ports making it ideal for network intensive implementations. The KR design allows for maximum flexibility by defining the physical interface – KR for backplane connectivity, Copper (RJ45) or fibre (SFP+) on the base board in conjunction with a suitable PHY. Furthermore the available NC-Si signals allow for the connection of a Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) on the baseboard for the purpose of enabling out-of-band remote manageability. This enhances reliability and helps reducing the overall operating cost in general.

Odkaz na stránky výrobce

Ke stažení

Datasheet Kontron COMe-bDV7 Stáhnout

Technické parametry

Formát COMe Basic
Pin out type Type 7
Rozměry 125 x 95 mm
Podpora operačního systému Linux, Windows® Server 2012 / 2012 R2 / 2016, Windows® 7, VxWorks 7.x

Na vaše dotazy Vám odpoví náš specialista

Tomáš Hořeňovský

Product Manager IT